that was the sound that woke me in the 1st place this morning. but.....
[ b arini kte kua k.kul 1 ]
me: not responding. smbung tdo
you are my ecstacy~(call in)
i heard it loops twice now.
dgn kemalasan tahap maksima nk bukak mate, picked up.mate xbkak pn
"tdo lg ek?msg xreply pn.."
me: "mmm..tdo"
"dh kul bape ni. jom r kua. g siap jap g kul 1 i call."
me: "mmm..ok"
sambung tdo
aii even in my sleep pn bole dgr hp bunyi lg..aneh??
i thought i was dreaming but unfortunately not.
my hp does ring. picked up.
"oii tdo lg ke??i dh siap u are not awake yet isn't it?!"
me: what with the vicious tone hun?and opened my eyes, blinked a couple of time to see what time is it at my pc's taskbar. OMG! dh kul 1 lebih
me: "aaa..dh siap"
"dh siap ape??ko ingat aku xtaw ko lum bgn lg??"
me: "heheh..kantoi ek. mandi r ni. jap g dh siap i text"
"ASAP pls. i dh siap lame ni taw"
showered.pilih baju.wangi2.siap!
checked phone's msges..1st wake up msg timed: 0930. now it's 2pm.
no wonder r mngamuk cik kak sorg nih.eheh
so we went to KLCC (lagi)
nk tgk muvi.cite dh tgk n dh xd yg best.geng??xmo r!
lunch.where?chillis?nahh.dome?malas r nk tgk those yuppies tkinja-kinja kt park tu.pusing2.end up kt kenny aquaria.
now what?what?tgk muvi?ishh.
jom g kino.what for?saje nk tgk books.
she bought herself a pocket crossword compilation and a new novel for me.haha praise the power of persuasion. despite how mad she was with me earlier, now i got new stuff to read.yea! but of coz not a luvy duvy novel. i hope not.

" If a brother wanna get ahead, he gotta use every minute to better himself.
Everything I did made me better - tougher, stronger, richer, smarter - or I didn't
do it.
Take high school. A waste of time. Nobody there taught me what I needed to
survive on the streets..."
Everything I did made me better - tougher, stronger, richer, smarter - or I didn't
do it.
Take high school. A waste of time. Nobody there taught me what I needed to
survive on the streets..."