Happy 24th

clock still ticking and today the digit goes 1 step up (again).

"aiyoo..sudah tua r lu!" - Rein
"dh bole2 kawin dh.." - Lin
"dh 24??! hmm.." - sape lg..the 1 n only r..my dad

to those who wished..many many many thanks guys!!

Perang Tongue Twister

ni sume kes ble otak dh senget..aku remixkn r ade 1 part lagu mantera beradu n aku ltak as status kt fb..1st time tu ade org ckp aku on crack..ish ish..dh mmg mental nk wt cmne E.haha!
2nd time ltk yg makin truk..jd medan perang lak dh..(nk upload printscreen xnmpk..so aku copy & paste je)

p/s: sblum bace klu leh dgr dlu mantera beradu bia dpt tune dia yg sbena.

Tue at 11:08pm

FF: pe brg ko sembang blkg padang tmpt perang bparang songsang acah2 abang badang dlm 1 kandang kuda belang terbang??

Asrul Afiq: sembang2 di hari petang turun jembalang berpedang.setakat badang yg bidang satu kangkang dah melayang???

FF: melayang layang kangkang si jembalang kongkang datang berpedang pandang-pandang si badang bkn sebarang badang yg pandai tunggang kuda belang terbang bak mai sebatang asam garam?

King Nasrul: asam garam dibawa belayar,berenang-renang kankang, bukan senang nk melayang-layang si jembalang badang..sedangkn satu kankang dh melayang,pe ntah lg dlm 1 kndg kuda belang terbng bersama layang-layang perang helang..dan bila tempat perang berparang songsng terbang melayang mengikut rentak irama sayang menusuk kedlm bayang-bayang..(ilham nas raver) jdilah ia sebagai AL-KENA IBNU KENA BIN KENABATANGAN BIN KENA PANDI KENA BIN PNDI KENA PANDI!!!..

FF: mmg malang badang bsembang pjg lalu terbang mninggalkn jembalang dan nasrul jalang bsama 24 ekor kuda belang bmain bowling padang dgn pertaruhan skotak dingdang

King Nasrul: lg malang dgn fezza si kaki tempang dilempang jembalang mnjdi jalang dicincang lalu dibuang kdlm balang di berak 24 ekor helang bau cm haram dan dikencing 70 ekor sibelang shingga jd pekasam dibakar jdi arang, diparang dan dipanggang..

FF: ko harus tahu yg pekasam helang haram dmkn jika dparang dgn parang pjg tp tidak utk nasrul si jalang yg suke helangnya dcincang dtambah dgn sedikit bawang katenya lg lemparkn berak harimau belang tgk ku tahan tgk ku halang bagai org kurang siuman itulah dia si nasrul gaban

King Nasrul: jgn dicabar ilmunya nasrul wahai fezza si jambang jalang jembalang kerana pabila diparang, dicincang, diserang, dia hanya kankang maka fezza jalang akn terbang melayang2 bagai udang dimkn helang dicirit oleh sibelang yg tempang dan fezza jembalang akn dilempang smpai lari rahang sehingga ke tulang belakng menjadi jalang semula disula dan dihina..

FF: jgn kau mencari ilmu itam tulang belakang menatang yg bnama kongkang yg baik budi pekerti sbb ia pndai mnyulam bintang bisa mnyerang nasrul si jalang walaupn badan berbelang2 belum tentu engkau lah si badang jembalang xgentar dlempang sbb tiada rahang yg mahu dlempang dan segera lah kau blajar bmain kompang kerana kau xpndai bparang segara lah wahai si nasrul gampang sebelum ku dtg

King Nasrul: aku sedikit pn tidak gentar dgn kau sikaki tempang berwajah jembalang bersubang,berjambang dan berbelang kerna jalang dbukit bintang..jgn dicabar ilmuku ini kerana dtgnya ia didlm balang yg dicuri sibelang di dlm rahang si helang yg terbang hnya dgn bayang2 yg hilang didlm sinaran malam.bkn saja diajar bermain kompang,ada juga menyulam, menyongket,... jahitan asas dan juga jahitan seluar dlm kedlm bersama banduan yg dtg sbgai pendatng hanya kerana dahinya berbintang dn berhutang piutang berpantang dlm 24 purnama utk menjdi bintang satu hari nnti..diulang jgn kau cabar wahai sicapang tempang ipoh parang ke??

dbkt bintang monyet serampang mane ade utang??dia bpantang 24 tahun mnyulam udang buat santapan si beruang yg tiada wang lalu dijaja punggung nan mantap kepada si nasrul pelanggan yg kurang pedoman. haishhh.. biar mangkat djulang bkn mangkat juling nnt tempang kemudian hari kau xkn tahu kemana mahu membawa diri wahai jembalang nasrul pelacur elit

klu nk bg lg tbelit lidah..try bace setiap rangkap tu ngn 1 nafas yg berbau..itu pn klu korg terer r

FB makin sial

jgn nk rmai sgt foreigner2 komen r..aaa dh xphm ngn fb updated version..cm sial pn ade

Wedding Ajim & Bunga

You have chosen each other above all the rest to share your love and laughter, to live life at its best. May you always fill each other's lives with love. Congratulations and best wishes!

No Me Ames

Why are you crying?
| Because I'm happy
Why are you so choked up? | From loneliness
Why are you squeezing my hand so tight?? And your mind seems to be wandering??
I love you so much!
Why? | Don't be so hard-headed. Stop doubting me! It doesn't matter what the future holds.. I'm not afraid. I just want to love you

Don't love me because you think I'm different
You don't think it's right for us to spend this time together?
Don't love me because I know what a lie it would be!
If you don't think I deserve your love then don't love me but I'm going to stay...

Don't love me because I'm lost, because I change the world, because it's destiny, because this is impossible! We are like a mirror image of each other, we are one and the same
Don't love me to be dying in a war of regret. Don't love me to hold me back.. I want to rise above this love deserves to soar through the sky
I don't know what to say. That's the truth.. When people want to they can really hurt you
If you and I part now it won't matter to anyone else.. In this big world, don't leave me all alone

Don't leave me...don't leave me! Don't listen when I say "don't love me"
Don't leave me! Stop breaking my heart with that "Don't love me"
Don't love me, I'm begging you to leave
You know very well I can't do that. It's useless, I'll always love you!
Don't love me. I'll only make you suffer, my heart has turned cold with this
Don't love me to run away from your sadness. I want you to love me because you love me
Don't love me! One day we'll soar with each other and be together forever
This love is like the sun that comes out after a terrible storm

Like two comets in the same galaxy

Don't love me | Don't love me
Don't love me..

Impromptu Gath

after 9 years we haven't met..finally, i met my fellow classmates on the 3rd day of raya. yea! luckily i woke up n picked up call after a couple of missed call frm hairy n ain early morning that day. only god knows what i would miss if i'm not awaken by the calls after 2 days of jln2 raya to my aunties n uncles n melantak cm org gle. 9 years..9 years after graduated from high school we gathered once again at my lovely teacher that i miss so much at her crib+tuition in paroi, seremban, n9.

we gathered.have a lil chat on what are we up to nowadays.exchanged phone numbers.mkn..n mkn..nasi briyani if i'm not mistaken..cooked by teacher's hubby (sempat jugak dia masak). too bad we don't have plenty of time coz teacher's schedule already packed that day with lots of open house invitation.but still, she squeezed in our squad terjah into her list.

anyhow..i'm taller than u now teacher.haha..to think about it..i used to be at ur shoulder but now..its overturn ;) isn't it?

too all my ex-school n class mate that i haven't met (yet until now), i wish u all the best in what ever u r currently doing. n i guess it is not too late too wish u guys a "Selamat Hari Raya.Maaf Zahir n Batin" (zaman skola dlu aku byk wt hal..klu ade yg still majuk ke trase ati ke..sorry r.klu xd hal2 dlu xd r kenangan manis org kate r..bkn aku kate ek.).

hopefully we can keep in touch. cherish the memoirs we had back on those days aite.

signing off - fezza|adek

she was the 1 who acknowledged me 1st when other teachers pay no heed to me during my 1st year at the new ground..far..far away from home n alone, encouraged me when i'm demotivated, she was there when i'm in need, she's like a mom to me. even until now..during the gath..the moment i stepped in the house lawn..all the guys said (it would be better if i say they shouted) "haaaa..ni anak mama dh smpai!! dh..dh..jgn salam ktorg..ko g salam mama ko tu dulu.." at 1st glance i saw her..i don't know how should i react..should i shake and kiss her hand?or hug her instead?should i smile?or should i cry?thanks 4 everything teacher..all the deeds, love n care.how could i ever repay u.i don't know.

Salam Aidilfitri

khusus utk sume rakan2 blogger, reader n passer..saya ingin memohon ampun & maaf sekiranya terdapat post2 yg mnyinggung perasaan saudara/saudari secara sengaja atau pn tidak. selamat hari raya semua!!

p/s: klu korg ade wt open house jgn lpe invite yek. ;p

both?? wtf?!

thanks to mr. bacteria yg invaded both of my eyes..i only worked for 1 n a half day je dis week. tq tq.
but next week mampos gue maw kejar target.aiyak~pdn muke fezza

Bad Luck

aritu saket tengkuk coz salah tdo. pastu dmam+batuk2 pastu selsema lak (seb bek bkn H1N1) skang ni saket mate r plak..aaahhh weather msia dh trukkkk!! jerebu jurubu sume ade..sume leh wt saket. so pepndai r korg jage korg pnye health. mkn buah2an tmptn n mnum byk air 0.ewahh bg nasihat lak. eheh

(mls cte pjg..monitor pn xnmpk)

Cite Aneh Yg Klaka

arini aku g tgk comp Mr.KL 2009. haha klaka kn??

pelik2 je r ko ni fezza..adoyai~pengaruh kengkwn r nih

Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak

Saturday - 06/06/09

i woke up at 7 am with a positive & peaceful mind even i know it was saturday. i planned my day ahead - housekeeping the entire house from my room to kitchen; clean & tidy it all up. before i get started my stomach growl. what the heck g cr mkn dlu r. showered, dressed, walked to nasi lemak stall nearby and i bought nasi lemak extra nasi with shitload of sambal udang (nafsu biawak). got home, i ate while watching tahapebende TV3's cartoon tah. relaxed. breathed a couple of tabacco then relaxed again (still watching cartoon). then..boom boom pow i fell asleep. zzzZZzzZ~

>>phone rang<< style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);">azmir: oii ko tdo ke? xg wedding akak tib kt subang??! dh kul 12 lebey dwoh
me: huh?? (mamai) malas r nk tdo. (high on nasi lemak)
azmir: oii bgn r. bebdk dh smpai jom r grk. kte grk ngn atek.
me: (aii..atek ade??ajaib) k k aku siap.
hung up

smpai2 wedding mkn lg. sat with my other fellow mentally ill hommies; 1 of them started sharing a sneak peak preview of Jangan Pandang Congkak and guess what?? his way of describing the funny scene was freakin' hilarious and made us wanna see it badly. so we decided to watch it afterwards.

after arguing on which cineplex whould we go, we decided; MBO - UO, Ampang (1st time aku smpai wehh..haha igtkn truk gile tp ok r seat dia pn lg luas dr TGV wehh. serious said!) picked nas on the way. 4 bdk bengong kua tgk muvi.

muvi start at 7.15pm. now it still 6pm. guess what we did? jalan2?? no no no..mkn lg. Mat Salai Double; a malaysian breed kiosk that sells daging salai burger. lebih kurang cm prosperity burger mcd r in a way. introduced by atek. S.E.D.A.P! tu je r aku bole describe.

still early.

men fusbal lak. (i hate this game) who ever paired with me sure to lose. haha. aku bodo gle men mnatang nih. pastu men pool lak vs atek. kalah lg aku. cibai. kne bayar duit table 3 hengget.

before msk cinema bli popcorn..ish yg ni wajib xle xde. (mkn lg..bela antu ke ape nih??) pastu tgk r muvi.

review yg aku bole bg kt korg psl cite Jgn Pdg Blkg Congkak nih...klaka tp xklaka sgt. lebih kurang cm Zombie Kg. Bangang gak r. k end of story. tq tq

p/s: xjd kemas umah..ohohoho

Tagged: Friendship Award

got it from aizat. cool!

i survived!

for the 1st time i really enjoyed Labour Day yesterday. waiting for it felt like i was waiting for semester break; impatient and excited! and plus, i survived my first month working at a new place. awesome isn't it? haha!

if u notice, i haven't has the chance to browse my fellow bloggers' blog for quite some time. sorry guys! i haven't update mine either. hopefully all of u still linked me to yours. hehe

a few minute earlier i when to aizat's, i read his wishlist and it striked me up instantly as instant as instant mee (maggi r ape lg..tp aku bkn nk mkn maggi k). i remembered mine. where did i put it? myspace. yeah! so i went to myspace. pergh...berhabuk gile myspace gua beb. lg bhabuk dr bwh krusi antik nenek korg. haaha off topic nih.. back to what i said about the list..fucker r fezza only 2 out of 5 fulfilled! not an achievement to be proud off.

so i decided to make a new 1. and it goes like this;

My New

24" LCD Monitor
iPhone 3G
Nikkor 70-300mm VR
gain weight

let's see if i can score more than 3 in 1 year period, i'll called it an achievement and i can be proud with myself.

p/s: if i needed to be clear; this is my short term goals

2003 - 2009

Now you're gone
I realize my love for you was strong
I miss you here, now you're gone
I keep waiting here by the phone
With the pictures hanging on the wall
Is this the way it's meant to be?
Only dreaming that you're missing me
I'm waiting here at home
I go crazy, now you're gone!
There's an empty place in my heart
without my honey it will break apart
it wont heal, it never fades away
I will think about you everyday

Sila Cuba

1. bkak MS Word (xksh version ape pn jnji ms word r)
2. type Q33 NY (no. kapal terbang yg kne hijack n langgar WTC dlu)
3. tuka font type = windings
4. besakn font size sesuka ati
5. hasil dia..........tkejutkn??

ni aritu aku nk g lpk mamak kt setiawangsa dlm kul 12 lebey..lalu r kt mcd situ n i was shocked! wanna know y? see n judge it urself.

For why was I such a fool

Now I see that the grass is greener, is it too late for me to find my way home?

Add me to the broken hearts you've collected. You left me so confused...

6th Pic : 6th Folder

Tagged from Aizat's. Let's take a look inside My Pictures' folder.
  1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
  2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
  3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
  4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
  5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
  6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged
So I followed the instruction given without any doubt in my head. I never knew what's inside the 6th folder. I don't even remember what is it named. hopefully not a picture of me naked or doing nasty thing(s)!(oopss..hehe) Luckily, I found this:

Azmir & Apiz : jump guitarist, JUMP!
taken by Kabir back in 2007 @ Studio C, Gallery.

New Layout

a few bug need to be exterminate. sorry for the inconvenience.

> some of the picture shows "this picture violated the term of used."
> comment form = unable to process comment

if you by chance, experienced any difficulties while browsing my blog, don't hesitate to whisper it to me.


Idiot VS Moron

Idiot is a family type of person meanwhile Moron; money oriented. They are best friend despite the diff between their principles mentioned. Both of them are a normal human being with the gift of thought. Quite the same like us, plus, they're not in the best behavioral too. Until one day they were forced in an unavoidable argument, pushing the limit of their main beliefs.

The questions

1. What/who is the most important thing/person in your life?
Idiot: my family
Moron: money of course!

2. Give an opinion to support your answer for Q1.
Idiot: We will not be here today without them to begin with.
Moron: We need money to do everything in our everyday life.

3. If you were born/raised in a foster home, what were you always dream of?
Idiot: a kind family would adopt me
Moron: a wealthy family come and adopt me

4. Do you ever thought of what you have become today has nothing to do with your family?
Idiot: Not at all. Each of every part of me standing here now is part of their influence.
Moron: Always. I am here because I survive. Raising us is just part of parent’s responsibility.

5. If you were short of cash or happen to need more than usual due to some sort of incident/accident, where would you turn to?

Idiot: Even if it is embarrassing, I will turn to my family rather than AhLONG.
Moron: Friends. I have plenty of them, willingly to help me when I’m in need.

6. What is/are the motivation you used to keep you on track back then when you were in college?

Idiot: Good grades ensure me to work in a big company and higher payroll.
Moron: Same as mentioned by Idiot.

7. Today you have a meeting with bosses from several companies to seal a corporate deal that will prove your credibility. But, an hour before it start you received a phone call, your wife/husband/kid/parent/sister/brother involve in a tragic accident. Where would you be?
Idiot: The hell with the deal! If my boss don't let me go, I'll put my resignation letter on his desk the next dawn. I rather find another job if they (the company) turnout to be such jackass in this case.
Moron: Seal the deal no matter what. I won't be long, 3 hours max. Then shoot to the hospital, explain why I'm late and pay for the bills.

8. Now you are one of the top notch entrepreneurs in your league. You live the life anyone could think of! Until 1 day, you were admitted to hospital due to some sort of cancer that will put away your life, what is your last wish?

Idiot: My family to be by my side till the very last breath of mine.
Moron: Bury my money along with me. I don't want leave a single dime for my family.

9. (yours)


It really requires a lot of courage to prove their point on the matter discussed. If you were in their shoes, will you have the guts to spill it out??

#9 and #10 with your own question, put it in the comment section. Let's startle everyone with your's!

Saturday I'm in Love

you are my light in the dark.you are~(msg alert triggered)
that was the sound that woke me in the 1st place this morning. but.....

[ b arini kte kua k.kul 1 ]

me: not responding. smbung tdo

you are my ecstacy~(call in)
i heard it loops twice now.
dgn kemalasan tahap maksima nk bukak mate, picked up.mate xbkak pn

"tdo lg ek?msg xreply pn.."
me: "mmm..tdo"
"dh kul bape ni. jom r kua. g siap jap g kul 1 i call."
me: "mmm..ok"

sambung tdo

aii even in my sleep pn bole dgr hp bunyi lg..aneh??
i thought i was dreaming but unfortunately not.
my hp does ring. picked up.

"oii tdo lg ke??i dh siap u are not awake yet isn't it?!"
me: what with the vicious tone hun?and opened my eyes, blinked a couple of time to see what time is it at my pc's taskbar. OMG! dh kul 1 lebih

me: "aaa..dh siap"
"dh siap ape??ko ingat aku xtaw ko lum bgn lg??"

me: "heheh..kantoi ek. mandi r ni. jap g dh siap i text"
"ASAP pls. i dh siap lame ni taw"

showered.pilih baju.wangi2.siap!
checked phone's msges..1st wake up msg timed: 0930. now it's 2pm.
no wonder r mngamuk cik kak sorg nih.eheh

so we went to KLCC (lagi)
nk tgk muvi.cite dh tgk n dh xd yg best.geng??xmo r!
lunch.where?chillis?nahh.dome?malas r nk tgk those yuppies tkinja-kinja kt park tu.pusing2.end up kt kenny aquaria.
now what?what?tgk muvi?ishh.
jom g kino.what for?saje nk tgk books.

she bought herself a pocket crossword compilation and a new novel for me.haha praise the power of persuasion. despite how mad she was with me earlier, now i got new stuff to read.yea! but of coz not a luvy duvy novel. i hope not.

" If a brother wanna get ahead, he gotta use every minute to better himself.
Everything I did made me better - tougher, stronger, richer, smarter - or I didn't
do it.

Take high school. A waste of time. Nobody there taught me what I needed to
survive on the streets..."

my very 1st silly tag i respond to

I never been tag before and i don't like it very much. i got tagged in facebook and it's kinda hard to me to share every little things there, so i decided to re-post it here. and it goes like this;

1) Were you named after anyone?
# na-ah..but does Mohd count?

2) When was the last time you cried?
# last raye

3) Do you like your handwriting?
# sometimes depend on how it looks ;p

4) What is your favourite lunchmeat?
# i prefer fish (lunchmeat ke lunchmeal ni??)

5) Do you have kids?
# currently nope. anak-anak sidek sidek ade r..kecik2 dlu ade r gak bli komik die

6) If you were another person, would you like to be friends with you?
# we're gonna be the bestbudd ever live

7) Do you use sarcasm?
# haha..a lot.

8) Do you still have your tonsil?
# huh? xpnah kne r.

9) Would you bungee jump?
# where would it be?is it for free?i don't want to put my life on a single thread, jump off a cliff and would have to pay for it

10) What is your favourite cereal?
# cococrunch yeah! now u know where i get my height

11) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
# pijak tumit kasut ngn kaki sbelah je trus

12) What is your favourite ice–cream?
# not into ice-cream very much but i can eat any that u serve

13) What is the first thing you notice about people?
# air muke n akhlak..hahaha!

14) Red or pink?
# ferrari red

15) What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
# susah bgn pg

16) Who do you miss the most?
# my late mom

17) Do you want everyone to complete this list?
# i don't care

18) What color of trousers and shoes are you wearing?
# bile ni?skang ke?xpkai..dlm umh kot

19) What are you listening to right now?
# bunyi kipas

20) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
# light green

21) Favourite smells?
# my honey's perfume

22) The last person you talked to on the phone?
# aizat ke caca..mmm aizat. td dia call pkai hp caca

23) Do you like the person who sent you this?
# like as a friend..definitely yes!

24) Favourite sports to watch?
# bola ble ngn kengkwn..klu dok umh sorg2 aku xtgk sukan

25) Hair colour?
# skang ni pure original black.

26) Eye colour?
# brownish>>dark brown r kot

27) Do you wear contacts?
# xpnah.xsuke even if i'm rabun..i prefer spek ok

28) Favourite food?
# pebenda r soalan cm tadika nih???

28) Scary or happy endings?
# hero mati

29) Last movie you watched?
# street fighter:the legend of chun li (br je tgk td)

30) What colour of shirt are you wearing?
# grey

31) Summer or winter?
# summer!!

32) Favourite dessert?
# rkok

33) Most likely to respond?
# "b sok ape plan?xd aktiviti best ke?"

34) Least likely to respond?
# people asking.."hey u x g club ke?" eii helo~

35) What books are you reading?
# Stephen King's The Stand

36) What is on your mousepad?
# dont have.dont need it

37) What did you watch last night?
# wanted & max payne (both are suxxx)

38) Rolling Stones? Beatles?
# Rolling stones

39) Where is the furthest you have been from home?
# Miri..ok r tu oversea what

40) Do you have a special talent?
# delaying things

41) Where were you born?
# n.sembilan puluh tiga

42) Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?
# none.but if u did i'll be pleased

Angel in the Night

You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough
Will I ever be by your side

Your hair is dancing in the wind
Your eyes are burning off my skin
And I'm so happy when I see
That you are smiling back at me

You're living burn marks on the ground
Thank you God for what I've found
I don't know how, I don't know why
That you're my angel in the night

You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
Let me hold you now
Just like days before you start to cry

You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough
Will I ever be by your side

I try my best to satisfy
But all you do is where we make it right
I don't know what I'm gonna do
But I'm so crazy about you

Even if I don't know where to start
Even if my love is tearing me apart
I just know that you and me
We were always meant to be

You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
Let me hold you now
Just like days before you stopped to cry

You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough
Will I ever be by your side

You're my angel in the night

Pet Lovers

I recently added a new application for my Facebook that i found very funny & cute, plus, it's good to reduce your anxiety level to normal. by the name and looks, it is quite similar to those once famous, Tamagotchi, the handheld digital pet. since i live in an apartment and to adopt a pet is not in my to-do list, pet society is the perfect answer!(not quite but it seems like it). i really enjoy seeing my pet evolving and for friends that i recommended, they share the same thought as me. as for you, what are you waiting for now? go and create your own pet!!

Azmi & Ina The Sequel

Majlis Sanding Rumah Lelaki - 7th Feb 2009 : Jalan Putra Bahagia 8/2D, Subang

Pablo Francisco : Hell Date

Publo Francisco - Stand-up comedian, impressionist, off-the-wall sound effect extraordinaire.

it has been ages since i last watched his show. this dude really cracked the hell out of me man. for those who doesn't know this guy before..presenting..(cm dorg announce time wrestling) Pablo Francisco!!!

Cigarettes Nation

speaking of cigarettes in my earlier post..i remember when i had dinner with kapez and a couple of his oil & gas miner back in kemaman. if i'm not mistaken it was during fasting month (so it was not a dinner but a break fasting). one of his friend was george, from the united states. we dined in a non-smoking restaurant serving chinese & western cuisine. one by one finished their meal and as a smoker they goes outside to have a smoke leaving me (aku ni jenis yg mkn lmbt) and george at the table. (ape yg aku nk borak ni? nk cite psl oil & gas aku bkn taw ape pn..) out of the sudden and unintentionally i said, "here in malaysia, we don't eat dessert, we smoke. if you're not a smoker you're definitely not a malaysian." george replied, "obviously i'm not then!" haha..we both laughed and then i left george for a smoke outside.

PS: what a dumb statement to say to a foreigner. in addition, i've seen him ate nasi kukus+sambal belacan..berair mate beb! haha

Live Within Your Means

currently i'm reducing my spending a lil since i got a lot of other things to pay. living alone with my own money is quite challenging not as during those days where money is just a call away. but lucky for me, i didn't have to pay for house rental or vehicle loan but i still need to consider about maintenance, utilities, astro, phone/internet and my study loan. haih..get to think about it, i feel demoralize. does it really money controls everything? in my case mybe it is.

however, after i accidentally watched Oprah earlier, (actually it was a parenting topic) she discussed about controlling you and your child financial (xtgk dr mula pn). now i know why my school to college days, i was not pampered with money. ever since i learnt to ask my parent for allowances or to join or go to this and that, they told me to reconsidered about it. is it important and beneficial? sometimes i didn't care. all i wanted was the valuable paper note and having fun with it.

here are the lesson, they thought me to live within my means. i hope i never forget about this. i jote down this piece of crap to remind myself about it since i'm one of those who always careless on budgeting and spending. if i spend all my money for leisure who gonna help me to pay the bills? want to ask my parent or siblings? guess not. i don't want them to think i can't manage my own money. so now i'm gonna set limits on how, when and what to spend on if possible. really hope i can. na'ah..i will! i will cut down my spending. starting from? dinner and cigarettes i guess..

My Homemade: Spicy Sardine Curry

The Line-up

Futsal match last saturday, 31 Jan 2009 at Rooftop:Padang@OU. 12 teams competing for the trophy, fame and 1 whole year opportunity to brag about it. We owned it last year but dis year..3rd spot. a lil disappointing but then if we win it every year what would others says??(haha kasi can ;p) whatevernot, we did win "the most stylo team of the year" title. ohoho! (",)

Congratulation to Mr. & Mrs Azmi

i'm not the official photog. i came because the groom himself request me to be there in case if the official hired by the bride don't show up. unfortunately, they came. both of them. fine with me since i know i came as sub.

what upset me most was; the official refused to cooperate and they were bunch of cocky son of a bitch. acting like they were somekind of super pro photog. pkai d80+kit lens kcoh pe brader! i'm not here to judge on the tools but their attitude (aku pn pkai cap ayam gak).

i know that you were paid and i'm not but there was nothing to lose if we combine force and skills isn't it? due to their arrogant-snobish-cocky aproach during the ceremony, i took a step back, let them do their job. hopefully their photos will meet the couple expectation and satisfied by it. however, i managed to get a few not so stunning shots as i always does. haha. laughing on the outside but aching inside. i'm not blaming anyone for what happened. i just annoyed with them. their attitude. their style.

Verse 2

ape r masalah mamat2 tu. bkn aku nk mintak share payment pn. nk jd kwn n bkongsi hobi yg same pn xle ke? B.O.D.O.H! (respek kt izzat n da geng time majlis aniq. dorg best!)

sbb aku mls nk kaco org-org terer wt kje n xdpt nk "pegang" pengantin, xdpt r aku nk wat experiment or suh dorg pose ikut suke aku. aiyo. so aku pn transformed jd tetamu. pikir sendiri r ape yg tetamu buat kt kenduri.

the chronicle of stress

this should help u to ease up a lil bit

the saga continues

i'm back from my branch meeting and guess what?
got a new fucking task! duhh
why now? is it caused by some sort of intergalactic interference to my star that triggered my most stressful day in 2009 so far? if it is, i better take note and be extra cautious for the next couple of years. -_-' haihh~

back on the task given.
i've been put in charged to lead and organize MAL KBW's meeting this coming sunday.
very short notice isn't it? it was not an offer, it was a forceful order by the highest authority. so i can't denied or rejected it. we have our own unwritten rules whereas an order is deceived.

starting next monday onwards i will have to confront several companies human resource representative for a fixed interview by scicom.

i sometimes wondered, how those super busy people such as the prime minister handled their stress. and this is why i can't run the nation. haha! bodo r fezza ingt klaka ke huh??

i'm tired n need a goodnite sleep. hopefully tomorrow gonna be pleasing.

p/s: still hearing that "nyaring" fucking thing. tdo dgn dodoian Mocca - Sebelum Kau Tidur


Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by long-term involvement in emotionally demanding situations.

what do feel if someone suddenly come screaming out loud right beside your ear and in public. then all people around around u starts to stare at u like u were guilty in a way. it was not some kind of practical jokes neither a way to attract attention. i was loud, hasty and "nyaring-tahap-bingit-telinga" out of a sudden , complete packaged. n i got a big presentation in a couple of minutes. isn't stressing, distracting n humiliating? my reaction was..

"pukimak!! kepala hotak mak kaw r weh! lancau anak haram! sundal!! anjing!! babi! pe masalah ko ni sial??!!!"

but i didn't said it. i would and i keenly wanna do it with "penumbuk n penerajang" at the same time. but i didn't. seriously. for those whose known me for a long time should know how i would react to something similar like what happened earlier. it happened. but luckily this time i didn't explode. yet, i manage to keep my cool but the effect.. it burns inside. yup it still is. i've been humiliated for god sake! i can't bear it.

1 thing that proud the most with me today.. i think professionally. what would possibly occurred if i react as i would be?

give me ur empathy. what do u feels?

sory gotta bounce.got meeting to attend

New Recruitment

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again..

- jason mraz (not related with the post below)

yes lucky for those who are Malaysian and uni/college graduates that visiting my blog in or unintentionally..the MDEC (Multimedia Development Corporation) Sdn. Bhd. now open new recruitment for those unemployed fresh graduates to join a fully sponsored & job guaranteed camp!

MSC Malaysia Job Camp as part of its plan to develop Human Capital and to enhance the talent-pool for the development of the Business Outsourcing Industry in Malaysia. The Outsourcing business is the fastest growing business in Malaysia and the world today.

SCICOM (MSC) Berhad, a Malaysian public listed corporation and a global industry leader in Business Process Outsourcing, has been appointed to Recruit, Educate and Place suitably qualified Malaysian graduates for this project. As a result, a comprehensive programme specially customized for entry level graduate students has been developed and deployed to meet this end.

  1. Malaysian Citizen
  2. Dip/Degree holder from Unis or MQA (formerly known as LAN) approved Colleges
  3. CGPA 2.8 and above (for CGPA less than 2.8, applicants must meet all assessment criteria)
  • A strict assessment scheme has been devised to ensure that the desired entry criteria is met during the recruitment phase;
  • Graduates who successfully complete this programme can be assured of being formally educated, competently trained and ‘work-ready’ for their future employers;
  • Graduates of this programme shall be guaranteed jobs with our preferred Employer on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Starting salary : RM 1800 - RM 2500
for futher inqueries, feel free to call me at 0176308942 (working days) - Mr. Fezza

as 1 of the participant, i'll share with u roughly what is it all about
  • what a great, exhilarating & never been better experience of education!
  • different approach of education, say bye2 to ur uni/college way of thinking and working style
  • motivational
  • building teamwork & leadership
  • improving communication skills! - lectures 100% in british english
  • experience, fun & energetic tutors
  • don't be proud with ur MS Word skills yet (haha! secret to fast, clean & uncluttered report writing skill revealed)
  • how to harness the juice of stress
  • learn to be professional & be 1!
  • the best part is..daily allowance!!
  • lots of other great and amusing activity not to be miss
  • plus, since currently you are unemployed..only for 2 month.there's nothing to lose! believe me fellas..u ain't gonna get this opportunity elsewhere
there you got it. a few from what i've experienced through this outstanding course.
owh..i forgot to mention that this course's certificate is given by Edexcel, London & internationally recognized.

p/s : they already setup interviews for my batch (2nd batch) next week and onwards with multiple company by means of various business background.

to my wild wacky madcap colleague :
"all the best guys! lets show them what we are made of!!"

now i urge those unemployed and seeking for a job graduates, this is the platform for u should take and move a step higher to ur dream job. or u rather to be in ur position right now? it's all on u. i got nothing to do with it. but as a compassionate civilized citizen of Malaysia i urge u once again to grab this opportunity. signing off. halla~

Mouthy Mouth

Since from that day, i never used my own streamyx and cut the service few month later because the geek is a pure-hearted person and always giving donation to the poor, he never close the network, it always there for me. Except for a certain time, mostly because of bad weather or they're out of town for a few day. Else, it's me the evil wireless network-sucking parasite. Hahaha!! (Evil laugh) read more

the above paragraph seems familiar?
it is from my earlier post about my free internet connection at home and this post gonna be related to it.

last few days i've met few of my childhood friend at my basement co-incidentally after i sent incik pramu to fly to dubai. so for a person who are friendly and nice to others (yeah right), i went and greeted them. they N, C and J.

we had a lil chat on what currently we're doing since don't bumped with each other often. then we were talking nicely about anime, vynl and other new drama that can be download via internet.
ahaha..the most stupid thing that i regretted happened here.
told them about my free wifi intentionally to bragged to C bcoz he's been paying to J for using his wifi. because of lack of hanging around with them for years, i forgot that J was my neighbour's bestfriend and still is mybe. ok i thought it was ok since i'v once told him about it before but i forgot about C..the batu neraka. u can figure out what happened next after i left them don't u?

i got my laptop back from my sister 2 days before i had a chat with them. the 1st day i
was connected to network but unlucky for me that i didn't used for internet instead formatted it. at 1st i thought since there was an internet connection it will be easy for me to find all the driver that i needed nevertheless what did i got the next day was a new SSID with password encrypted. great..just when i need it most. i cursed. balistically!

if u wanna says it was unintentionally...me too! but why now?

so the era of free hi-speed wifi with unlimited access is over for me and a few of my friend who always made my house looks like starbucks. darn! but what do i hate the most of this pieces of bullshit is the part where C forced J to tell my neighbor about me sucking their signal. what the hell r dude. they already rich sucking our money through the "maintainance-service-abah-dia". kecoh r! xluak r wehh..lahanat! aku pn nk psg internet aku sndri r gampang! streamyx sial ni plak 1 hal sial gak! aku dh siap standby wireless router dh pn! sok agent streamyx yg angkat aku pnye call bakal kne maki r nih. bak kate sharon..watch for ur level of stress..don't let it burnout as posibble. klu x burnout pn sok aku nk maki gak streamyx. silap2 jap g. (off topic)

mm..conclusion dia snang jek..M.E.L.A.Y.U
  1. dengki
  2. ske bende free
  3. .....................
yg len aku bg kt korg utk..

renung2kn & slamat bramal! - utz. EZ hot.fm atau Lu Pikir R Sndri!!!!!!!! asamekom~ - Ahmad Nabil b. Ahmad

Shitty Shitmyx Service

it has be a month or more since i registered a new land line and internet service but since then i never get the chance to be on the virtual world using my own acc! can u imagine how suck it is?

i should have wrote this post earlier when my mood was still raging to curse the nation telephone & internet service provider because now i'm not in the mood for it. but i'll brief on the sequence of the case for u to judge on how suck it is!

after the day i registered for shitmyx combo
- 1st Week
the TM technician came & setup my fixed line

- 2nd Week

waited for the line to be activated

- 3rd Week
fixed line activated!
waited for the shitmyx technician show up

- 4th Week

they finally came.
but there was an error, they can't connect to their server using my line.
they said, "sory encik..talian telefon ni belum active utk shitmyx lg r."
and i was liked..hey what the hell?! (dlm ati r)
"so ape yg aku kne wat ni?" i questioned him.
"encik tgu r lg 2, 3 or sminggu lg..username sume saya dh bg.klu papehal encik call r ktorg pnye hotline."
i kept my cool and asked them to leave since there was nothing they can do about it.

- 5th Week

kept calling the hotline and told them about my problem.
all i got was the same solution..
"hav u checked,..."
"the adsl deod is flickering or not?.."
"can u make calls from ur phone?.."
"try to switch it on and off..restart ur pc.."
"turn off the modem.."
"if u hav router shut it down too.."
"plz on all gadget in sequence"

(ni klu aku g interview call centre shitmyx ni confirm dpt r!dh hafal dorg pnye text kot)

even there was a day i made 5 calls and each lasted for 30 mins to 1 hour!
i was pissed! after the 5th call i had enough..i said to the agent..
"it's ok miss..i'll get to the nearest TM Point to settle out with them."
i did went to TM Point and i got a very simple fucking answer from the manager or what ever his post was..

"mintak maaf encik, talian dkat kawasan ni mmg ade masalah sket skrg ni. encik tgu lg seminggu. time kasih."

eyy..lucky for him i was not in the mood to make a scene..
i was in a hurry coz i'v double parked the car and blocked a few motorcycles.
better get back there before they slip a ticket on my windshield or scratches.

- 6th Week

guess what..

i'm still
f.u.c.k.i.n.g waiting!!!

p/s: seb bek r nafsu mencarut aku xbpe nk kuat sgt arini. yup yup!! i should hav wrote this earlier -_-'


i'v been away for quite a while since my last post..
aahh it feels great to seat at my desk and let my finger frantically typing out words and sentences that generated from my idiotic clumsy mind.

ok..it would be better for me to start with wishing you guys Happy New Year 2009 although its kinda late but it doesn't hurt anyone if i did.isn't it? but plz..don't ask about my new year's resolusion. last year's didn't turn out as i expected but luckily i found my way around it and i manage. I SURVIVE 2008!!

how are you? great? good for u!
feeling great both physically and mentally are a good sign to start a new year.
i hope i will.

i miss u guys so much..yes i know u feel the same way.ahaha

for the past few days..i'v been doing nothing eventhough i had a long holiday since xmas till 4th Jan 2009. except for rearranging home furniture especially in my bedroom. i try to setup new year's moods and feels and let the past be bygone.

before i proceed with my fresh 2009 post. i would like to answer a few queries from my dearest friends.

Q : how long have you been back in town?
A : end of oct last year

Q : its been a while since u get back..then why u haven't update ur blog?
A : its complicated my friend..yes..as u know when i get back here i do have "free wifi service" (refer to After 7 Month) but my wireless adapter broke down.i don't know why. and i gave my laptop to my sister for her to use in kmaman.

Q : i heard that u join a job camp for unemployed graduates sponsored by gov..what the hell is that all about?
A : its a training where we (the participants) under go training with an outsource MSC status company selected by the MSC itself on related/certain field base on our cert. we do have the opportunity to work for other MSC status companies on their list. as for me, i aim for Air Asia, HP, Petronas or FSecure. in general..the
course is made to prepare us to work as professional in a working environment. if u need more details..u have to join it urself.

Q : i saw u updated ur facebook profile quite frequent but why not ur blog?
A : haha..my answer is simple. i tumpang2 my friend's laptop, i on9 using PSP or i'm at my friend's.
i don't usually blogging using any of that bcoz i need privacy, peace and ideas. but i do sumtime blogging in public places but it depends on my mood.

Q : i heard that u got an offer from E** **C for a post and the salary was way above ur grade. why don't you grab it?
A : so u heard eyy..urmm..currently they are renewing their contract with A** J****. while waiting..i better finish the programme i attent. if my luck still there i'll go. for sure! after all, there's nothing to lose since the job camp also guaranteed a job after i finish the course.

Q : are u a wedding photographer?
A :
definitely not! yet.. for now..i'm more into hobby but mybe someday i'll make it as a part-time job. maybe ok? get it?

Q : now u r living where and with?
A : my late mom's with my elder bro. he rent his house to make side income so he went back here.

Q : still partying?
A : of coz!! haha but only when there's a big n outdoor event.

Q : what is ur newly born niece's name?
A : Nur Ain Afeeqah

Q : how the f*%k did u on9 right now?
A : i borrow incik pramu's mancis broadband since my house phone is still not configured to streamyx system (according to what the agent said on the phone) and i can't take it anymore. no more waiting. i really need to blog on sumthin. next post i'll write about the TM s^#t. i'v registered for about 3 weeks now and still can't on9??what the...


thank you for reading. next post will be fully written in PISS & CURSING MODE. i'm freakin' blaze!!!